July 26, 2009

Put a what on my head?

South Americans are known for being very superstitious, especially the people living high in the mountains. So what is the craziest superstition I've ever heard? It involves skinning a cat to get rid of a headache. You see, some of the campesinos believe that by wearing the skin of cat on their head they can get rid of a headache. A little strange? Definitely. It would be interesting to find out the logic behind that one, or at least the origin of the practice. What do cats know about headaches that we don't? Why not llama hair? They're more abundant than cats in the Andes.


Jenette said...

Did you ever wear one?

Jennifer Rose said...

Did you ever see someone with cat skin on their head? If you did, you might've just given them some Tyelenol.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I come from La Paz, Bolivia. I have indigenous background but I have never heard about a skin cat. we use more herbs for some headaches or illness. It would be a shame if there campesinos that practise this.For me it can be crazy because I love cats. I love my culture but I´m against of such expresions.